Friday, August 7, 2015

Celebrating International Beer Day with Guinness Extra Stout Beer Soap

The first Friday of August is celebrated as International Beer Day around the world.
We celebrating the Beer Day Today making Beer soap with Lots Extra stout on Our Soaps!  FIND US HERE
A study found that drinking a pint of beer a day improves your heart health. If you Cant Drink Beer Shower with !
Health benefits: from our Beer Soap
We all have heard that red wine has resveratrol and is loaded with antioxidants. But surely for all you beer lovers out there -can beer be good for your skin?
Science has now been showing results just why beer is useful in skin care but the effects have been known for thousands of years.
The topical application of milk, dead-sea salt and mud, beer, oils, and other herbal skin care formulas dates back to Cleopatra and her anti aging skin care beauty regimens.
Stout Beer
Stout Beer
Beer yeast is rich in elements, can increase skin elasticity and can help improve the symptoms of acne by suppressing the excessive secretion of sebum and killing off the bacteria that triggers acne. Beer has shown to have antibacterial properties, which protect against infections.
PS. Guinness Beer It’s over two centuries of brewing craft,
One of the World’s best-loved beers
The finest quality, natural ingredients.
Beer soap for grubby men
Beer soap for grubby men
More beer around the web

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